Weblinks to Media Coverage of CMEPS
>> Political Science from the Nile to the Neckar <<
In the master’s programme “Comparative Middle East Politics & Society” (CMEPS) the University of Tübingen is collaborating with the American University in Cairo to train experts for the Middle East.
Report about CMEPS in “Attempto!”, Issue 38, 2015
Wer das politische Geschehen der arabischen Transformationsländer verstehen und mitgestalten will, bekommt im neuen Masterstudiengang “Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society” (CMEPS) die passende Ausbildung. Der Studiengang wird seit dem Wintersemester 2013/14 von der Universität Tübingen und der American University in Cairo (AUC) gemeinsam angeboten.
Presentation of CMEPS by the German Academic Exchange Sevice (DAAD) on Change by Exchange (German).
>> Unterstützer für den demokratischen Wandel <<
Im November 2013 war es soweit: Der erste Jahrgang des Masterprogramms Comparative and Middle East Politics and Society (CMEPS) wurde in einer Inaugurationsfeier feierlich begrüßt.
Report about the CMEPS-Inauguration Event on 25th November, 2013 with a Lecture by Prof. Philippe Schmitter by the German Embassy in Cairo (German), 2014.
>> New Political Science Masters with Tübingen University <<
The new MA program will engage students from both universities in politics of the region from a global perspective
Announcement of CMEPS on NEWS@AUC (English), 2013.
SWR Radio Interview 1st Cohort
Before the 1st cohort students were travelling to Cairo in September, the prominent German South-West-Radiostation (SWR) visited them and interviewed them about their preparations and expectations regarding the semester abroad.
Radio Interview with CMEPS-Students (German), 2013.
>> Enge Partnerschaft mit Kairo <<
Neuer Master-Studiengang bildet Nahost-Experten aus.
Report about CMEPS by the Newspaper “Schwäbisches Tagblatt”, 2013