CMEPS in the Media

Weblinks to Media Coverage of CMEPS


>> Political Science from the Nile to the Neckar <<

In the master’s programme “Comparative Middle East Politics & Society” (CMEPS) the University of Tübingen is collaborating with the American University in Cairo to train experts for the Middle East.

Report about CMEPS in “Attempto!”, Issue 38, 2015

>> Experten für den Wandel <<

Wer das politische Geschehen der arabischen Transformationsländer verstehen und mitgestalten will, bekommt im neuen Masterstudiengang “Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society” (CMEPS) die passende Ausbildung. Der Studiengang wird seit dem Wintersemester 2013/14 von der Universität Tübingen und der American University in Cairo (AUC) gemeinsam angeboten.

Presentation of CMEPS by the German Academic Exchange Sevice (DAAD) on Change by Exchange (German).


>> Unterstützer für den demokratischen Wandel <<

Im November 2013 war es soweit: Der erste Jahrgang des Masterprogramms Comparative and Middle East Politics and Society (CMEPS) wurde in einer Inaugurationsfeier feierlich begrüßt.

Report about the CMEPS-Inauguration Event on 25th November, 2013 with a Lecture by Prof. Philippe Schmitter by the German Embassy in Cairo (German), 2014.


>> New Political Science Masters with Tübingen University <<

The new MA program will engage students from both universities in politics of the region from a global perspective

Announcement of CMEPS on NEWS@AUC (English), 2013.


SWR Radio Interview 1st Cohort

Before the 1st cohort students were travelling to Cairo in September, the prominent German South-West-Radiostation (SWR) visited them and interviewed them about their preparations and expectations regarding the semester abroad.

Radio Interview with CMEPS-Students (German), 2013.


>> Enge Partnerschaft mit Kairo <<

Neuer Master-Studiengang bildet Nahost-Experten aus.

Report about CMEPS by the Newspaper “Schwäbisches Tagblatt”, 2013